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Ruby's Heart Song square front cover V2.jpg

Ruby's Heart Song is a delightful story about a singing penguin who discovers the melody of her heart. 

A musical rendition of the signature song in Ruby's Heart Song, also by the same name, can be found worldwide on all music platforms including YouTube, Spotify, Amazon and Apple Music.

ISBN 978-1-7377479-3-2 Hardcover 

ISBN 978-1-7377479-4-9 Paperback

ISBN 978-1-7377479-5-6 Ebook 


Pengwee’s Breath is a tender-hearted story of a young penguin who learns that his own breath gives him the power to calm his fears.  


ISBN 978-1-7377479-0-1 Hardcover 

ISBN 978-1-7377479-1-8 Paperback

ISBN 978-1-7377479-2-5 Ebook 

more illustrations from Pengwee & Ruby
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